Sometime around the end of 1985 or beginning of 1986, my friend Ken and I made one of our monthly trips to the Record Vault on Polk Street in San Francisco, a haven of all things Metal; records, posters, and a much talked about 'Demo' cassette section.
There would always be a colorful assortment of Underground Metalheads hanging out and, of course, band members.
Ken asked Lars to sign a poster he just bought, to which Lars replied "For a small financial contribution." He was a dick. Really. When Ken pointed to himself on the poster he was having him sign (it was a live shot), Lars couldn't have cared any less. I suppose that's fine, he can act however he'd like, but it just made us comment about how big of a jerk he was.
My favorite Record Vault story doesn't involve Metallica though, even though being 15, talking with one of the members of one of my favorite bands at the time while they were working on an album that would eventually stay on an endless loop for much of 1986 is probably pretty great, it can't top our chance meeting with the band Sin.
We met Steve Johnson and Dave Kong the day they were bringing their freshly printed single to the store for sale. (I have to admit shock at finding a link here, and makes this post even more grand, and really, should probably warrant a post devoted entirely to Mr. Kong)
"Can we get you to autograph it?" we asked. Unlike Lars, they were cool and proudly signed what was sure to be a much sought after limited release single someday.
Check out that photo shoot; marble busts, goblets, columns, cobra statues, and grapes. Good Lord (ha!) this photo shoot has it all!
As Ken and I made our way back over the Bay Bridge, we had a laugh talking about the silly declarations of the autographs; mine with Religion Sucks, and Ken's with an even more simply stated Fuck God.
Of course, that didn't even come close to preparing us for what the record itself looked like. I think Ken about drove right off of the bridge as I pulled the vinyl from it's sleeve.
The funny thing about putting this post together is how familiar the songs are and how well worn the single is.
The 'A' Side
Damn The Preacher
The 'B' Side
Night Caller
I guess the joke's on me though. I thought the boys were just following the fad in Metal of the day, but Dave Kong is still flying that flag. Oh yeah, he's still flying that God-awful (ha! again) haircut too.